Saturday, September 12, 2009

What a difference a week can make

With the bout of pneumonia and the fact that her hematocrit was very, very low the doctors decided it would be best if Cindy waited an extra week before having her next Taxol chemo treatment. What a good decision that was. In that week's time her body was given the chance to re cooperate. Cindy had come home from the hospital with oxygen tanks but her health improved, she worked her lungs and by mid week was able to breath deeply on her own with her oxygen levels reading in the mid 90's. Yeah! The extra week also gave her body time to build up the red blood cells a little and the antibiotics helped to get her white cells to the levels they should be. Because she had an extra week of no chemo she was able to have a little more energy. So much that she picked, peeled and canned 28 quarts of peaches besides making a lot of peach jam. The provident living instilled in her by her father, mother and older siblings could not even be set aside by cancer. She simply could not stand to see the fruit drop off the tree and rot on the ground. The end result, beautiful jars of beautiful peaches! Every other year that Cindy has canned and then shared her harvest, we call them Cindy's gold for to us her peaches in the middle of the cold winter are more precious than gold. These jars will be even more so!

Friday was treatment 6. She was physically and mentally prepared for the event. When the oncologist asked if she would like to go on a three week instead of a two week regiment she boldly answered, "No. I'm ready for this. Let's move on and get it over with". She is brave and determined.

So far she is doing well. Fatigue will set in soon but she is enjoying every good moment that she has. She is grateful to you all for your fasts and prayers and calls and visits. We are now, dare I say, looking forward to just moving on!

posted by libby


  1. grateful to hear good news. The california prayers continue for you. You are much loved by those near and far. We will continue to cheer you on, for this is the hardest race you have ever run...and you are running with amazing courage. All our love,

    The Mullen Clan

  2. Great to see you in church today. We prayed for you while we were on vacation. Jordan just got a full time job as a pilot for a large skydiving outfit outside of Phoenix, AZ, and although we will miss him a lot, we are happy for him. Love ya oodles- Mary

  3. WOW, you are an inspiration. I was exhausted from doing my own peaches and jam this year and I can't even imagine the condition you are in and you bravely push forward and do the same thing. You are amazing. I pray for you on a daily basis and also for your family. This is a grueling time and challenging period. We are beside you each step of the way. Thanks to Libby for posting and keeping us updated. Many hugs.
